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아~~조오또 맏떼스까? 알가스까?
<조선글씨어원연구회 >
Monier-Williams 산스크리트어 사전, 1899년
(H1) [Cologne record ID=63682] [인쇄 도서 페이지 348,2]
게이암 (vfzAdi; √ jicf)SaMgaya) '정복되거나 획득된 것' , 집, 가정, 가족, 상품, 샤텔, 주택의 내용물, 재산, 재산, RV.; AV.
소의 종(가얄 또는 보스가바에우스), L. [ID=63683]
ṛṣi(Plati의 아들), RV. x, 63, 17 및 64, 16; AitBr. v, 2, 12 [ID=63684]
(매력을 안다고 한다), AV. i, 14, 4 [ID=63685]
(Atri의 설명이자 RV. v, 9, 10의 저자), RAnukr. [ID=63686]
라자르시의 N. (명예 제사의 수행자, MBh. i, ii, iv, ix, xii ; R.i ; Mandharthṛ, MBh. 7, 2281 ) [ID=63687]
of a son (of Amūrta-rajas, iii, vii, xii ; of Āyus, i, 3150 ; of a Manu, Hariv. 870 ; BhP. ii ; of Havir-dhāna by Dhiṣaṇā, Hariv. 83 ; BhP. iv ; of Ūru by Āgneyī, Hariv. 73 ; of Vitatha, 1732 ; of Sudyumna, 631 ; BhP. ix, 1, 41 ; of Nakta by Druti, v, 15, 5 ) [ID=63688]
아수라의 N. (시바[cf. RTL. p.87]에 의해 살해되고, 라자르시 가야를 좋아하는 사람은 가야 마을과 연결되어 있다), 바유피 Ⅱ, 44 [ID=63689]
라마의 원숭이 추종자 중 한 명인 MBh. III, 16271; R. iv, vi [ID=63690]
(= -시라스) 가야 근처 산의 (= -시라스), MBh.ii, 8304 [ID=63691]
가야 M. Pl. 급기(etym에만 사용됨)GayatrI), śBr. xiv, 8, 15, 7 [ID=63692]
가야 M. N. MBh. i, ix; R. i[ID=63693]
gayA a f. (g. varaRAdi) the city Gayā (famous place of pilgrimage in Behar and residence of the saint Gaya; cf. RTL. p.309 ; sanctified by Viṣṇu as a tribute to the piety of Gaya, the Rājarṣi, or (according to another legend) to Gaya, the Asura, who was overwhelmed here with rocks by the gods; the Śrāddha should be performed once at least in the li가야(Gaya)에서 그의 조상에게 모든 힌두(Hindu)의 fe, 260 ; MBh. &c. [ID=63694]
cf 부다그°[ID=63695]
강의 N. i, 7818. [ID=63696]
(H1) [Cologne record ID=63682] [Printed book page 348,2]
gayam. (g.vfzAdi; √ jicf.SaMgaya) ‘what has been conquered or acquired’, a house, household, family, goods and chattels, contents of a house, property, wealth, RV. ; AV.
a species of ox (the Gayal or Bos gavaeus), L. [ID=63683]
N. of a Ṛṣi (son of Plati), RV. x, 63, 17 and 64, 16 ; AitBr. v, 2, 12 [ID=63684]
(said to know charms), AV. i, 14, 4 [ID=63685]
(descendant of Atri and author of RV. v, 9 and 10 ), RAnukr. [ID=63686]
N. of a Rājarṣi (performer of a celebrated sacrifice, MBh. i, iii, iv, ix, xiii ; R. ii ; he was conquered by Māndhātṛ, MBh. vii, 2281 ) [ID=63687]
of a son (of Amūrta-rajas, iii, vii, xii ; of Āyus, i, 3150 ; of a Manu, Hariv. 870 ; BhP. ii ; of Havir-dhāna by Dhiṣaṇā, Hariv. 83 ; BhP. iv ; of Ūru by Āgneyī, Hariv. 73 ; of Vitatha, 1732 ; of Sudyumna, 631 ; BhP. ix, 1, 41 ; of Nakta by Druti, v, 15, 5 ) [ID=63688]
N. of an Asura (slain by Śiva [cf. RTL. p.87 ], and who like the Rājarṣi Gaya is connected with the town Gayā), VāyuP. ii, 44 [ID=63689]
of one of Rāma's monkey followers, MBh. iii, 16271 ; R. iv, vi [ID=63690]
(= -Siras) of a mountain near Gayā, MBh. iii, 8304 [ID=63691]
gaya m. pl. the vital airs (used only for the etym. of gAyatrI), ŚBr. xiv, 8, 15, 7 [ID=63692]
gaya m. N. of a people living round Gayā and of the district inhabited by them, MBh. ii, ix ; R. ii [ID=63693]
gayA a f. (g. varaRAdi) the city Gayā (famous place of pilgrimage in Behar and residence of the saint Gaya; cf. RTL. p.309 ; sanctified by Viṣṇu as a tribute to the piety of Gaya, the Rājarṣi, or (according to another legend) to Gaya, the Asura, who was overwhelmed here with rocks by the gods; the Śrāddha should be performed once at least in the life of every Hindū to his progenitors at Gayā), Yājñ. i, 260 ; MBh. &c. [ID=63694]
cf. budDa-g° [ID=63695]
N. of a river, i, 7818 . [ID=63696]
고려 백제 실라 전부 마한(한나라)별칭 왕망의 신나라가 실라이며 잠시분열되며
각자 별칭을 사용한게 삼한의 국며므로 자리잡은것으로 전부 마한(기자기 후기) 즉 한나라의 칭한다.
홍사한은에 수로왕 아버지가 문이며 윗대가 마한칸의 자손이라 기록되있습니다.
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